Saturday, June 11, 2011

Breathing exercises to build power, enhance cellular health, regulate the mind, manage the emotional fire

We take things like eating or breathing for granted; even though we may go through different stages in life when we are active, even athletic ... most adults probably use less than 50% of their lung capacity -- as we age ... past 35 or so, probably younger in obese adults ... we slowly start paying the penalty for unregulated breathing and poor cardiovascular health with increased incidence of bone marrow and neurological ailments. If we don't take responsibility for understanding and regulating the body's energy, our bone marrow becomes weak, diseased and subject to cancer. Reduced oxygen in the bloodstream cripples the healthy genetic transfer necessary for limiting DNA damage in cellular replacement of brain cells.  Unless we really want to be victims or helpless blobs controlled by someone else, we simply CANNOT take eating or breathing for granted! If we want to be in control of our lives, we need to be control of what we eat, we need to be in control of how we breathe.

The lungs are very much like your posture or your the stomach ... as someone who has never thought much about this before, I now know how important it is. Good posture is something you should work on everyday -- it will not magically appear. The same is true for the condition of your stomach ... the more you eat, the bigger your stomach gets. The bigger the stomach gets, the more that feel the need to eat. In most cases, this process is rather gradual -- no one begins eating like a pig; it's starts very gradually as something that you'd barely notice. After a decade or two of not really watching what you eat, it's likely that you [like most American adults] will have developed a weight problem. If you want to reduce your weight, there aren't any pills or secrets or special diets. It is very simple you need to get in the habit of eating less ... if you SUDDENLY change your eating habits, you will be miserable AND you will get very sick because your body [especially the intestinal system and the microbes in that system] still needs the diet it is used to. If you want to reduce your weight, you need to eat less ... and [especially if you are older] you need to make the change gradually OR the change will make you ill and almost certainly will not stick.

We might crave the drama of a TV show (e.g. Biggest Loser) or stark contrast of a fat Before and a herculean After picture ... we want to be stars; we want to be the center of a universe of adoring fans. We want big results; heroic efforts. We not only want to do a couple push-ups -- we want to ride in RAGBRAI and then go on to become one of the world's most successful triathletes! We KNOW that we deserve to play Lead role in our own autobiographical movie and we think need to hear the theme from "Rocky" playing in the background ... but if we want the change to be healthy and to stick, we need to sustain the change more gradually, over a longer period of time. The movie of you life takes about 100 years to complete; maybe not quite that long, but it definitely takes at least 50 or 75 years ... if we try to go too fast or don't get started now and work every second, our movie will be worse than an irresponsible 6th grader's project started late at night before the big science fair.

We should start with relatively simple breathing exercises and then steady, continually, gradually escalate to more advance breathing techniques to regulate, relax and calm down, to improve the function of the cells and make the circulation healthier, to build power for our exercises, martial arts and weight training, to lead the qi to "wash" the bone marrow.

Regular deeper breathing ... relax, close your eyes, try to focus all of your mental and physical energy on on deepening your breathing, try to build a consistent, sustainable habit that uses about 70% of your lung capacity... find an enjoyable form of active exercise [that you can sustain] such as gardening, digging, chopping wood, rapid walking, running, bicycling, lifting weights that forces you to breathe more deeply to expand your lung capacity.

Normal abdominal breathing ... place one hand on dan tian area [below stomach], place other hand on chest; the hand on your dan tian should move up and down like it is on top of a wave; the hand on your chest might feel the waves but should not move as if it's resting on the beach.

Reverse abdominal breathing ... except think about movements when you are laughing or crying

Embryonic breathing ... breath like a baby; your body's midsection drives the movement [in an exaggerated form, this includes even your hips]

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