Sunday, March 17, 2013

Outline of a workable fitness plan for the old man

I have been giving a lot of thought to a workout for a mid-fifty-something who probably should have died several years ago.  I've been ruminating on this plan for some time, since I retired ... the problem this old guy has is that he tends to really overdo things ... then he keeps PUSHING it and doing the kind of things that worked when he was still only a forty-something, but that bullshit DOES NOT work anymore now that he's a mid-fifty-something.And injured.  So his shoulder, back, knee or liver issues return ... and THEN he's get thrown off his schedule.

That old mid-fifty-something guy is me.  I have gotten better at actually bothering to THINK first, to avoid obvious obstacles, but I am still far from perfect.

I KNOW that need to stay fully hydrated, drink my green juice and eat right AND I need a sustainable, coherent plan ... I know that plan will be governed by weather and by the work on my "harm farm" [doing stuff deliberately, the hard old school way] and, most importantly, it is NOT going to become the most important thing I do ... I am still arrogant enough to believe that my other commitments, other considerations come first.    Or more correctly, I don't particularly care if I live five seconds more ... I absolutely do not care ... I have tried to care and I just cannot care whether I live or die.  Other considerations, other commitments come first ... before whether I live or die ... that's the way it is and always will be ... so my fitness plan needs to reflect that.    

My fitness plan is still a work in progress ... but right now, the GENERAL outline of the desired plan looks something like this:
  • Monday – Digging, working on core strength, throwing techniques 
  • Tuesday – Interval training in gym,max repetitions in fixed time
  • Wednesday – Gripping / seizing workout, grappling set-ups for pressure points, joint locks
  • Thursday – Distance mud slogging, elliptical cardio, ruck humping
  •  Friday – Weight lifting, conventional strength training, body striking
  • Saturday – Plyometrics, sprints, bullwork, big pushes on big projects
  • Sunday – Recovery, walking, practicing with fire arms, planning my next week (reading about chinese martial arts, judo techniques and BJJ, krav maga and MCMAP, SEAL fitness and nutrition guides)

In essence, the point of the plan is based on recognizing that I am OLD (i.e. low dose of HGH) ... I don't recover as fast any more; so I need to work smart to avoid an injury that breaks the workout cycle and discipline ... but I still need to attempt to stay fit by attempting to incorporate different martial arts / fitness styles AND I am still learning a lot about things like anatomy, massage, chiropractic, health, wellness, diet.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Six rules

Maybe you have seen the silly viral video of "Man With Concealed Carry Permit Arrested For Exposure Of Gun" ... if you haven't, perhaps you will ... it's almost a guarantee that you will see it if you are involved in law enforcement or law enforcement training. This cop and this motorist are BOTH really lucky to be alive ... change the circumstances ever so slightly and this doesn't turn out so well [for either one] ... BOTH made severe mistakes, both made careless assumption about the other.

The video reminds me of MY "rules" for thinking about these kinds of deadly force situations:
  1. When you carry a weapon, EVERY confrontation that you get involved in is an ARMED confrontation. Somewhere, out there, there is someone who can take your gun away from you and use it against you. Just because it hasn't happened yet, don't expect your ridiculously good luck to continue. See rule #6.
  2. Unless you have good reason to actually KNOW otherwise, you have to assume that everyone you meet might be ARMED. Some of the people who are armed are actually dangerous. Nothing is more dangerous than believing you possess superior firepower when you really don't know what kind of enemy you face. See rule #6. 
  3. There are weapons everywhere lying around that can be improvised quickly if a person can break their freeze and react more rapidly than you can. Most people, especially nurses and doctors [who carefully study and work with anatomy everyday], instinctively, reflexively know something about how to attack pressure points or weak areas. That means every confrontation with another person could rapidly escalate into an deadly confrontation. See rule #6. 
  4. Nobody else has to follow your rules or the rules of your jurisdiction. Laws are things that idiots debate. People behave according to their own rules ... there are no referees or rules in fights ... prison might be a deterrence for you, but it is not a deterrence to many people ... there are no fouls, no free throws or penalty shots, no rematches -- there doesn't have to be a next time ... it doesn't matter if the other guy cheats. See rule #6.
  5. You might believe that your understanding of the rules of physics or human physiology or martial arts and fighting with weapons will govern most things, but your understanding is severely limited, biased and flawed.  See rule #6.
  6. If you are still alive, there is ONLY one reason. God ALWAYS bats last.