Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Give me just ONE EXAMPLE of where government has taken on a problem and made it better.  

Milton Friedman was right when he said If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand ... but that does not really show us how TERRIBLE it would be if government were given this problem to solve.  Stefan Molyneux is right when he says that whenever you use the coercion and violence of government to attack a problem, you get exactly the opposite of what you want.  

Laws that attempt to legislate morality not only don't work and are a waste of time, they actually  undermine morality ... and they undermine Christianity and help those who belief in the violence and coercion of government.  Laws that attempt to legislate morality make Christians lazy.  Christians are called upon to be the salt of the earth; they are also called upon NOT to put any faith or trust in government.  Christians must follow Christ's admonishment and stay focused on their role paying loving attention to the things [under their care] that belong to God.  It is dead wrong and flat out evil to render those things over to Caesar.

An unborn  child is a person and when you try to use government to enforce idiotic laws about something that God has already decided, you will get many more abortions [even if they are not recorded] ... you will less respect for the sanctity of marriage ... you will get an increase of all kinds of nasty immoral stuff ... prostitution, lack of respect for women, pornography, sex slavery and all kinds of immorality that you cannot even begin to imagine ... all because Christians will get lazy.

Many self-described Conservative Christians have focused a lot of their effort on proving how Christian they are building their political power, by being the Pharisees preaching in the temple, by collaborating with Caesar and the Roman government, gaining access to political power and the coercion wielded by the Big Government Roman centurions.  These Pharisees would rather not be like Jesus, spending time with the lepers, the prisoners, the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the sinners.

Do not attempt to legislate and coercively force people to be moral unless you want people to MUCH less moral.  The Danish theologian, Søren Kierkegaard, got it right when he said that making Christianity the official religion made individuals inattentive to living their faith ... Danish citizens were officially "Christians" and showed regularly in church as required by law without having the slightest idea of what it meant to have a living faith in Christ.

You won't find one example of where government has made a problem better, but you can BE ONE EXAMPLE of what trying to be more like Christ is all about.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love letter to the GOP Leadership ... stop screwing around, it is the FUTURE liabilities, STUPID!!!

Obama is the white dawg in this picture and the GOP leadership is the pig.  Both of you really want to make PORK together ... and BOTH of you are disgusting ... but the GOP leadership is MORE DISGUSTING for letting yourself get humped.

The reality is that the sequester does not matter all that much ... in comparison to more than $200 TRILLION worth of unfunded future liabilities.   You should NOT be cooperating with the POTUS at all right now ... let the attacks and pain come!  

The American people need to hear the truth from YOU  ... they need to hear it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again ...  it is NOT the inconsequential problems that we face now, it is the FUTURE liabilities, STUPID!!!

FOCUS ... and STAY FOCUSED ... on the future liabilities of the Federal government that are now well over $200 trillion.  


I expect Obama and OFA to come on full bore with stupid shit and the Santa Claus and Federal government Easter Bunny routine.  EVENTUALLY, people will GROW UP and listen to the truth.  I expect stupid shit from Democrats.  I didn't expect you cowards to burrow into a hole and hide OR when you're not hiding, you pretend to enjoy getting humped by the Democrats.  You can either turn around and start fighting OR people like me are going to let the big dawg take you behind the junkers and let you guys get your humping out of your system!