Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I became a Lifetime NRA member today; membership # 190300626

I simply cannot believe the media OVERREACTION to the July 20th shooting in Aurora.

I simply cannot believe it!  There is something DRAMATICALLY wrong with my country.  I simply cannot understand WTF is going on!  I can understand a bit of a reaction ... but this is just flat out unprecedented!

Shooting deaths by people who obtain guns legally and were law-abiding citizens [before they killed anyone] are almost non-existent ... deaths might happen, but they are not anywhere near the number of INCREASED deaths since 2000 in things like poisoning from opioid analgesics.   Drill down to reality!  Look at the data!  LOOK at the data and epidemiological analysis from the CDC!

And yet, as a result of this blatant OVERREACTION to a tragic event ... there will be all kinds of entirely idiotic proposals to regulate the use of firearms by law-abiding citizens that will not prevent ONE of these things!  None of these proposals will have ANY impact on criminals, EXCEPT the proposals would make it EASIER and MORE PROFITABLE to be a criminal.